Privacy Policy

This page gives you an overview on what tools our website uses to track the usage. We also explain below why we do so.

All information gathered on our website is anonymous. We can not identify you as a person. But if you are registered member of our website we can identity some of information about you. If you wish to receive more information about the privacy policy at our website, feel free to reach out to our customer service.

What do you mean by "tracking"?

Every visit made to our website is tracked and stored. This means that we can look at information from site usage and analyse the content.

Our website does so to create a better service and user journey. For us to give you the best possible experience when on the site, we need to understand what we can do better. If we have an interesting product that you could be interested in, we need to understand how we can guide you in the right direction.

To get a better understanding of who visits the site, we also track different data, like what country and city a visitor is in, what age group he or she belongs to and what pages or products that person is visiting.

This and similar information can not identify you in any way. If you still do not want any website to track you, it is possible to do so in your browser settings.

So what kind of tools do you use for this tracking?

The most important tool for us is Google Analytics. This is a tool that presents a lot of different data about how visitors on This page gives you an overview on what tools our website uses to track the usage.

There are hundreds of different metrics connected to Google Analytics. You can visit if you want to see the whole list of what they are and what they do.

Our website uses only a few of them, such as geographical location (city and country), number of pages viewed, time on site, pages visited, operating system used, age group, acquisition and so on.

A specific visit is not important for us. What we look at is the average of all visits within a group. A group can be for example a country, a city or an age group.

Webmaster Tools is also a Google tool, closely related to Google Analytics. This tool tells us what we are doing right and wrong from the search engines perspective. It also gives us an overview on what words we are ranking on in Google, and what search terms users found us through.

This means that if you found us through a Google search, we get to know what the search term was, but not who used it. As with Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools can not be used for identifying you.

Our website has pixels installed. These pixels, connected to Google and Facebook, are a way for us to reach you in other channels with advertising, like social media or on a website presenting ads.

Clarity from Microsoft is a program that records how visitors use this website. This gives us anonymous data in regard to how the customer journey works on our website. We can understand what we do well, and what we need to do better. This means that we can create a better website, working as optimal as possible for you.

But what about tools that don’t track users, but asks us for personal information?

On our website we will only ask for your personal information if strictly necessary. We does not give or sell any personal information to any third party.

If you sign up for one of our newsletters, you will provide us with personal information through our newsletter provider. This information is handled through a secure connection, so that no third party can get to it.

If you use a form on our site, for example for getting in touch with our customer service, we will also ask for personal information. This is so we can get in touch with you.

We does not store personal information longer than absolutely necessary. If you want us to delete information connected to you, feel free to get in touch with our customer service.

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